Fraud & Forensics
Fraud is becoming more sophisticated. Our extensive experience in investigation and documentation helps us recover millions of dollars for clients.

Compliance Auditing
Our team is ready to provide the full gamut of compliance auditing services for small business up to fortune 1,000 companies.

Business Valuation
Business valuation is the foundation of well-reasoned business decisions and transactions. Our extensive practice serves clients nationwide.

340B Auditing Services
Diversion of drugs to non-qualified patients, duplicate discounts and Medicaid rebates are now being aggressively audited by HRSA and manufacturers.

Are Home Devices Really Spying On Us?
January 28, 2020
By James I. Marasco | Managing Partner With the holiday season over, many of you may have purchased or received a smart device. Almost seven out…read more

EFPR Group Announces Four New Partners
January 3, 2019
January, 2019 – EFPR Group, LLP is proud to announce four individuals with the Firm have been promoted to partner: Richele Emich-Sharn, Thomas F. Niles,…read more